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1Base? Empty Base? Tue May 30, 2017 7:53 pm


Has anyone hear anything about Base? I mean has anyone seen any information if he has passed. I do not know if everyone knew that he was sick. He left the official English support forum staff team because of the sickness.

2Base? Empty Re: Base? Wed May 31, 2017 12:58 am


slg wrote:Has anyone hear anything about Base?  I mean has anyone seen any information if he has passed.  I do not know if everyone knew that he was sick.  He left the official English support forum staff team because of the sickness.  

I heard he was sick but never knew, how bad it was or what happened with him. Miss the guy big time. Wish he would just show and say here I am! ...... I can wish can't I?

3Base? Empty Re: Base? Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:39 am


He informed us (ESF) that he had cancer.

4Base? Empty Re: Base? Fri Sep 22, 2017 2:37 pm

Ange Tuteur

Ange Tuteur
If I remember correctly, I think he said his condition was.. terminal, didn't he ..? I haven't heard anything else since he left the staff.. so I can't really say. I just hope he's not in any pain.

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